BodyTalk is a healing modality that improves communication within the body-mind on the physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual areas. Sessions can be done in-person or online with the amazing effectiveness.
This healing approach recognizes different layers of a person:
Bliss Body: Universal Consciousness (deepest level)
Supramental Intuitive Body: Higher Intuitive Mind
Mental Body: Individual ego shaped by beliefs
Energy Body: Meridians, Wei Qi, Chakras
Physical Body: Bones, muscles, and organs (surface level)
While Western medicine often treats the body like a machine, focusing on fixing parts, holistic health considers energy fields linked to health issues, often related to emotions and subconscious beliefs.
BodyTalk operates on the belief that every part of the body constantly communicates. Stress—whether physical, emotional, or environmental—can disrupt this communication and harm health. BodyTalk aims to restore these connections to enable the body to heal itself effectively.
This method blends concepts from Western medicine, like anatomy and physiology, with eastern practices, such as chinese medicine and acupuncture, as well as modern ideas from energy psychology and quantum physics.
About BodyTalk
“Love is the greatest healer”
Practitioners use a form of neuromuscular biofeedback to communicate with the body's innate wisdom (i.e. localised consciousness) to identify which is the highest priority parts of the body that need attention, which may not initially be most obvious or immediate issue, allowing the body to prioritize its own healing process in the optimal order. Once the ‘formulas’ are identified, gentle tapping is utilized to initiate healing corrections.
Clients who have worked with this modality have experienced improvements in:
Complex PTSD
Ancestral Burdens
Grief and Loss
Range of motion
Lyme disease
Relationship/Marital issues
Digestion issues
Chronic Pain
Depression & Anxiety
Personal boundaries
Childhood Trauma
Fears & Phobias
Confidence & Courage
Negative self-talk
Motivation & Procrastination
Attachment Trauma
Emotional Processing
Chronic Acne
Spinal Injury
Memory Loss
Poor Hydration
Kinesiology (or muscle testing) is used to uncover what the optimal parts (‘items’ as we call them in BodyTalk) are to work on, therefore we are drawing information from the universal consciousness energy field (also called ‘Innate Wisdom’) itself and receiving direction (as opposed to the practitioner deciding what to work on). Only ‘formulas’ (i.e. a series of connected items) which have been drawn from the Innate Wisdom can be effectively tapped out, therefore BodyTalk is inherently a very safe system.
Yes, both clinical experience and client feedback have shown that distance BodyTalk sessions can be just as effective as sessions done in person. In addition, a peer-reviewed research study focusing specifically on distance BodyTalk sessions was published in the Journal of Pain Management published by Nova Publishers demonstrating the effectiveness of distance BodyTalk in helping people suffering from chronic pain, depression and anxiety. Certified BodyTalk Practitioners and their clients have observed noticeable improvements in all aspects of health, (physical, mental, emotional, energetic & spiritual) using distance BodyTalk sessions. A good resource for learning more about distant healing is the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
No, because we connect into the body’s deeper intuitive intelligence to guide the session. No medications, diets or diagnoses are given as part of BodyTalk.
BodyTalk can integrate into other healthcare regimes and be an effective supplement for them. Additionally, it can work wonderfully as a stand-alone treatment.
BodyTalk provides you with the time and space to step out of your every day life, giving you a powerful space to connect with yourself on a deeper and more relaxed level. Enhancing the internal communication systems of the body has a great effect on your health and well-being. It gives the sensation of being strong, secure, open and connected.
Sessions are generally 60 minutes long. If it is your first Bodytalk session please allow for up to 90 minutes.
Sessions are usually done on zoom with video. After some initial sessions, some clients like to lie down during the session and be connected via audio only (via zoom, whatsapp etc).